Carrot Top & Moringa Pesto Pasta

Carrot season has arrived, and if you haven’t acknowledged the holy grail that is carrot tops, then this post is for you! While many people throw them away, they have a lovely flavor that’s been likened to a combination of parsley and carrots. Additionally, carrot tops are a wonderful source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, iron, and carotenoids. Also extremely versatile, the green can be used for sautés, salads, garnishes, and sauces like chimichurri and of course…pesto. With all this considered, there was no way I was going to pass up snagging a bunch or two from Wood Duck Farm at the Heights Mercantile Farmers Market.

While you may very well find carrot tops at a grocery store, you would have a much harder time locating the nasturtium microgreens (Zero Point Organics) or moringa powder (Base 3 Farms) I used in this recipe. That is one of the benefits of shopping at local markets; you can find unique, nutrient dense produce and ingredients for your daily dishes.

Did you know that the entire nasturtium plant can be eaten? This includes the leaves, buds and flower petals. The leaves have a crisp, peppery flavor similar to watercress and wasabi in flavor. They are a great addition to salads or sandwiches and can also be used to garnish various other dishes like soups or stews. Interesting Fact: the flavor becomes more intense the further you eat down the stem.

Health benefits
IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPORT (excellent source of Vitamin C)

Base 3 Farms moringa is packed with nutrients that are beneficial and necessary to keeping you body healthy and happy. While it is not a replacement for a healthy diet and good habits, moringa can be a great addition to support you and your body by helping to provide things you may not currently be getting in your diet. Learn more impressive nutritional benefits about moringa HERE!

Now here’s a run down of the lovely vendors I sourced from to create this recipe!

  • Wood Duck is an 87 acre farm, located in Cleveland, Texas. They have a thriving CSA program and have been providing healthy produce to the community for years. Wood Duck is actually in the process of fighting a proposed landfill in San Jacinto County, visit this website to learn more about how you can help!

  • Zero Point Organics began has a hobby for owner James in 2016. It has turned into a passion to provide the best possible, nutrient dense, microgreens. Based in Hempstead, Texas, ZPO partners with restaurants, hotels, and country clubs throughout the Houston and College Station areas.

  • Base 3 Farms is a venture between brothers Tommy, Dan, and Mark Garcia-Prats. What began as Finca Tres Robles has led to Base 3 in 2018 , still with the goal of using farming as a tool to improve community wealth and empower neighborhoods.

  • Old Country Olive Oil is owned by native Houstonian, Rita Joubran. Having been raised around her families olive trees and their products in Lebanon, Rita realized that she wanted to share the high quality oil with her Houston community. She also sells delicious spices such as sumac and a wonderful olive oil soap.

  • Casetta Cucina is a family business focused on providing wonderful pastas and sauces that are a wonderful addition to any meal. Their products are made from a mix of high quality Italian ingredients and local, seasonal produce.

  • Cochinita & Co. is how Chef Victoria Elizondo brings her passion for her rich Mexican culture and heritage to Houston. With items such as tamales, salsas, drinks such as Jamaica, and chips, Cochinita is a must visit for any market visitor. Chef Victoria also has a cafe, located inside Kickin’.

  • Rio Grande Organics was established in 2003 and has since become the largest organic pecan farm in North America. Their orchards are located along the Rio Grande and Nueces rivers, and the Autumn season harvest is a highly anticipated time of the year.

Share the love! If you do make this recipe, don’t forget to share photos and tag the vendors who provided the ingredients! One of the best ways to support these local, small businesses is by spreading the word and sharing your market finds with friends and family. And of course, if you stop by the Rice Village or Heights Mercantile markets striking up conversations with the vendors will always have you walking away with wonderful recipe ideas.


2 packed cups of carrot tops (purchase 1 bunch of Wood Duck Farm carrots with tops still attached)

1/2 cup of Rio Grande Organics pecans and pistachios combined together (you can also use just one or the other)

1 lemon

1/2 cup of Zero-Point Organics nasturtium microgreens

1 - 2 tsp of Base 3 Farms moringa powder

1 -2 cloves of garlic

1/2 cup of Old Country Olive Oil

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

Casetta Cucina Fettucine Pasta (follow cooking instructions on package)

Optional: Cochinita & Co. salsa machis or red pepper flakes to taste


  1. Set a pot of salted filtered water to boil. You want about 2 tbsp of kosher salt per quart of water in the pot

  2. While your water is coming to a boil, get started on the pesto. Roughly chop your carrot tops and nasturtiums

  3. Add your greens, nuts, garlic, lemon, olive oil, and moringa powder to a food processor

  4. Once the ingredients have been completely processed, taste and add the desired amount of salt and optional chili oil for some kick

  5. In a small saucepan dry roast some pecans over medium heat. Keep an eye on them as they can burn quickly. Remove when lightly browned

  6. Add the desired amount of pasta to the boiling water and cook per given instructions until al dente

  7. Once the pasta is done, reserve some of the pasta water, then strain the rest. Toss the pasta with a drizzle of olive oil and set on a plate

  8. Spoon the pesto you would like to use for the meal into a small bowl and stir in the pasta water until it’s fully combined. Spoon this pesto sauce over your servings of pasta

  9. Top with pepper, nasturtium leaves, dry roasted pecans, and a drizzle of olive oil

  10. Enjoy, and save left over pesto for later meals like a lovely pesto toast!

We hope to see you at the the 1st and 3rd Sunday at Rice Village Farmers Market or 2nd and 4th Sunday at Heights Mercantile Farmers Market. Both markets run from 9-1 pm, with Heights located at 714 Yale St. and Rice located at 2504 Amherst St. These markets operate rain or shine! We will have over 60 vendors, live music, and immaculate vibes.

Thank you for following along and supporting local!
