Snap, Crackle, Pomegranate


POMEGRANATES // have impressive anti-inflammatory effects.


Chronic Inflammation is among the leading drivers of many killer diseases. This includes heart disease, obesity, cancer, Alzheimer's and Type 2 diabetes.

These anti-inflammatory properties are mediated by the antioxidant properties of the punicalagins.

Test tube studies have shown that it can reduce inflammatory activity in the digestive tract, as well as in breast cancer and colon cancer cells.

When it comes to the syndrome I have (EDS), an anti-inflammatory diet is the best way for me to be pain and symptom free from many different issues affecting my body -- sinuses, gut, joints and heart to name a few. Unfortunately, SO MANY of the foods we ingest cause inflammation.

 Just because my condition benefits from an anti-inflammatory diet, doesn't mean others couldn't benefit from one, too. I personally have benefited from removing gluten from my diet which is why I am so passionate about what I eat. These benefits include improvements with my heart, thyroid, skin, migraines and chronic sinus issues.

Removing these common ingredients from our diets (gluten, dairy, red meat, etc) is tough to do consistently and should require proper discussion and follow up/blood work thru your doctor or licensed nutritionist. You must make sure you're not denying your body proper vitamins and nutrients thru elimination.

I personally encourage this lifestyle for those who have the above diseases running in their families; obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and/or Alzheimer's. Not only those diseases but also if you're suffering from IBS, Celiac/gluten intolerance, thyroid issues and/or migraines. Choose a health issue that is ailing you and eat the foods that will counteract the symptoms. Food can act as powerful medicine.

Heads up -- those who don't realize yet (or care) that food can improve how you feel, will give you grief for this lifestyle. People can simply be jerks when it comes to something that's not the norm but stand strong because you CAN change the way you feel.

If you could prevent these diseases from reducing your quality of life, why wouldn't you? What if it could be as simple as a dietary lifestyle change? DO IT. Cast aside whatever is holding you back, and do know feeling better can be done effectively and affordably.

Alzheimer's currently affects my grandfather and all I want to do is force my father and siblings on a gluten free, anti-inflammatory diet, but that is not up to me. It truly doesn't hit most people that a dietary change is necessary until they are faced with something so life changing that they have no other choice. What breaks my heart is the group that still won't change even when they're facing something that could kill them. I am constantly reminded not many people care about nutrition like I do which is why "The Informal Grub" was born. I care deeply about my friends and family and just want them educated, happy and to live forever. Is that too much for a girl to ask??

I will end my rant and give you guys a super quick and easy snack packed with a powerful antioxidant which will aid with inflammation...Pomegranates! Great for on the go or just a quick snack to make at home.

Snap, Crackle, Pomegranate Rice Cakes

Rice cake

Almond Butter

1 Banana

Pomegranate Arils

Teaspoon of Chia Seeds

  1. Spread the almond butter on the rice cake
  2. Cut the banana into half inch slices and place on top of almond butter
  3. Sprinkle the pomegranate arils on top
  4. Finally, sprinkle the chia seeds on top
  5. ENJOY!


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