Scream + Shout for Brussels Sprouts


BRUSSELS SPROUTS // maintain the health of your skin, teeth and gums

Vitamin C is essential for normal growth and development. This nutrient keep your immune system strong and helps maintain the health of your skin, teeth and gums.Vitamin C protects your cells from damage as well, which can reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.A 1/2 cup serving of brussels sprouts contains 48 milligrams of vitamin c, which is about 50% of what men need each day and about 65% of what women need.

I have been gluten free for 15 months now and I could not be more happy with that decision. I haven't felt this healthy in a long time and I know this is just the beginning. With that being said, it still is hard eating outside of my safe gluten free kitchen because it truly seems like EVERYTHING has gluten in it.My sweet and thoughtful friends always attempt to eat gluten free around me to not torture me but I assure you, it's just not worth it for me and my body of oddities.When we go out and there are brussels sprouts on the menu, you know those bad boys are getting ordered. What's unfortunate for me and other Celiac's like me is that 9 times out of 10 these delicious brussels sprouts have soy sauce in them which has gluten in it.After coming across this issue so many times while eating out, I decided to take matters into my own hands...replicate the very delicious dish that plagues me at most restaurants. Since I was already happy with my current brussels sprout recipe I decided to just add some tamari sauce (gluten free soy sauce) to the recipe.The stars aligned for this one ya''re welcome ;) I have officially made it multiple times this week and am craving it to the point where I will be making sandwiches and tacos stuffed with these brussels sprouts. So happy about this tweaked recipe. This is what I like to call glass half full...because of my crappy diagnosis, I have found something delicious and enjoyable that will in return boost my immune system. Suck on that, Celiac.Here you go!IMG_5604



brussels sprouts halved

3 tbs grapeseed oil

2 tsp brown sugar

1/2 lemon juiced

1-2 tbs tamari sauce or soy sauce

S + PP to taste

  1. Cut the bottoms off of the brussies and then cut in halves, place into saute pan
  2. Once all brussies are cut up, add oil and turn to medium heat
  3. Add your salt, pepper and tamari/soy sauce
  4. Once the brussies start turning to a light green and softening, turn the heat to low, add the juice of the lemon (zest, too if you’re feeling fancy) and sprinkle the brown sugar on top
  5. Cook on low until you are ready to serve dinner
  6. Enjoy!



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