Lemon Laine Cooking Demo with Farm-Fresh, Local Produce


Last month I was given the opportunity by Lemon Laine, a natural beauty & wellness shop, to do a cooking demo for 30 individuals who were eager to learn how to cook very simple recipes using local and fresh ingredients from The Urban Harvest Farmers Market. This farmers market holds a very special place in my heart and over the years I have gotten to know some very wonderful farmers, health advocates and killer chefs.

Three years ago I was struggling with a handful of newly diagnosed syndromes and when I started to get a little stronger, the one social activity I allowed myself to do on the weekends was to visit the Urban Harvest Farmers' Market. I would buy my produce for the week, ask questions about the farms, their techniques and got to know the true quality of what I was putting into my body.

As time went on, I felt myself getting stronger. Three years later and rarely missing a Saturday at the market, I have been able to heal using these local and sustainable whole foods like a form of medicine. I am mostly asymptomatic from all that used to ail me; I now feel that my handful of illnesses are simply words at this point. I am so grateful for the many local farms we have here in Texas and that I was given the opportunity to highlight a handful of my favorites in these recipes for those that attended this cooking demo.

I cannot stress enough that what you put in your body directly affects how you feel. Find produce that is local and sustainable, that hasn't traveled far to get to your grocery because these types of produce are picked early, covered in a handful of chemicals and pesticides and have fewer nutrients in them. Local farms not only benefit our body's but benefit our planet, as well.

Now, the part you all are waiting for; the recipes!



Grapefruit + Mint Spritzer (optional: Tequila)


Springtime Farm Salad


Ground Chicken + Lion’s Mane Lettuce Wraps


Honeychild’s Sweet Creams Frozen Custard, Strawberries + Candied Pecans

Grapefruit + Mint Spritzer



2 cups freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, cold

3 tbs local honey

½ cup Plant It Forward’s fresh mint leaves, plus extra for garnish

1 cup cold Topo Chico

A bunch of crushed ice

Animal Farms edible flowers, as garnish

(Optional: 1 cup tequila, divided)


1. In a large punch bowl, stir together grapefruit juice, honey and mint leaves. Stir until the honey mixes into the juice. 

2. Pour in the Topo Chico and stir gently.

3. Line the bottom of each glass with crushed ice, optional step - pour tequila on top. Fill the glass with the grapefruit juice. 

4. Serve immediately with an extra garnish of fresh mint.

(BIG thank you to Bering's Hardware for providing this awesome Grainware Acrylic Jolly Punch bowl for the event.)

Springtime Farm Salad




Sustainable Harvesters mixed lettuces, chopped

1 cup Wood Duck Farm Strawberries, sliced

1 cup Plant It Forward beets, sliced

3 Loam Agronomics watermelon radish, sliced

1 cup Dos Brisas Cherry tomatoes, halved

Animal Farms edible flowers, as garnish

½ cup JSH Microgreens, as garnish

1 cup Rio Grande Organics pecans, lightly toasted and chopped

Champagne Vinaigrette 

Texas Hill Country Olive Company olive oil

1 garlic clove, finely chopped

2 tbs Dijon mustard

¼ cup champagne vinegar

2 tbs fresh lemon juice

½ tsp pink salt

½ tsp freshly ground black pepper


1. In a large bowl, add lettuce, strawberries, beets, watermelon radish, cherry tomatoes, pecans, microgreens and flowers

2. Whisk together the garlic, mustard, vinegar, lemon juice, honey, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Slowly whisk in the olive oil until the dressing is emulsified. Alternatively, you can add all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. 

3. Add the dressing, toss well and serve. For added crisp freshness, leave in the fridge until you’re ready to enjoy. 

(BIG thank you to Bering's Hardware for providing this beautiful Simon Pearce Shelburne Bowl for the event)

Ground Chicken + Lion’s Mane Lettuce Wraps



2 teaspoons avocado oil

1 head Sustainable Harvesters romaine lettuce, leaves separated

1 pound Three Sister Farms ground chicken

3 cloves garlic, minced 

5 ounces Laughing Frog Farms lions mane, finely diced

1/3 cup Plant it Forward green onions, finely diced

1/3 cup Dos Brisas carrots, diced

1/3 cup Dos Brisas cherry tomatoes, as topping

1/3 cup Loam Agronomics watermelon radish, sliced as topping

Pink salt and pepper, to taste

5 tbs hoisin sauce

2 tbs coconut aminos

2 tbs rice vinegar

2 tbs sesame oil


1. Heat the oil in a large pan over medium high heat. Add the chicken and garlic and season with salt and pepper to taste.

2. Cook the chicken for 5-6 minutes, breaking up the meat with a spatula, until mostly cooked through.

3. Add the lions mane, carrots and green onions to the pan. Cook for 4-5 minutes or until vegetables are soft.

4. In a small bowl, whisk together the hoisin sauce, coconut aminos, rice vinegar and sesame oil.

5. Pour the sauce over the ground chicken mixture and toss to coat evenly.

6. Sprinkle tomatoes and watermelon radish over the chicken mixture.

7. Spoon the chicken into the lettuce leaves and serve.

Honeychild’s Sweet Creams Frozen Custard, Strawberries + Pecans


1 4oz cup (per 1 person) Honeychild’s Sweet Creams frozen custard

Wood Duck Farm Strawberries, diced

Rio Grande Organics pecans, chopped


1. In a bowl, add custard, strawberries and pecans

2. Serve and inhale 

What a fun night with these wonderful friends and everyone else that came hungry and read to learn about the food we eat.

Thank you to Lemon Laine for having me and continuing to bring together the community and being a huge advocate for health and wellness. We love supporting businesses like you!
